Becoming a member helps 4Five+ provide affordable events, opportunities and resources to inspire & support women to stay fit & competitive - even with all the volunteer love in the world, we still need some $ to keep the admin wheels turning. It also means you get member-level access to 4Five+ initiatives. And best of all, you become part of a great group of people.
Membership benefits
Social Networks
Facebook Page – 4Five+ Athlete Collective - this is our public page, where we share news about 4Five+ with the world. See the Groups tab to join the Facebook Group.
Facebook Group – 4F Community+ - private group, where 4Five+ was born. This is where we share tips and advice, news about upcoming events & competitions of interest, organize social rides, and generally chat about life 45+. When joining please answer the 3 questions & accept the group rules.
Instagram – @4fiveplus - photos of us looking Fit Fun Fast Femme
LinkedIn – 4Five+ Athlete Collective - private group – please request membership via LinkedIn if you wish to join. This is where we showcase what we do in our professional lives, where our Corporate Members can display their profile, and where we can do our business networking. You never know when you might need a new lawyer/coach/accountant/facilitator! Please read the group rules, especially about promotions – no-one wants their feed spammed.
You will also find us posting under the banner of Tiger Tracks Gravel - facebook page, facebook group, and insta
Seminars – we hold seminars on topics relevant to the membership. High on the wish list are nutrition, sleep & recovery, training adaptations, and the psychology of coping with change. We expect these seminars to also be of interest to coaches. Members will receive discounted entry, and there will also be member-only events.
Social rides - 4F First Friday rides on the first Friday of every month (weather & commitments permitting), and ad hoc social rides for the enjoyment of members & supporters
Sporty things
Members who are competing in events/races are required to hold the necessary sporting body membership – this will ensure you are appropriately insured. For cycling, this could be AusCycling, WestCycle (AVCC), or ATTA, depending on the events you intend to participate in. Links and a brief summary on the website Resources page.
Training – we will seek to facilitate coaching and skills sessions across disciplines for our Members.
Racing – we will work with existing clubs and organisations to provide pathways and opportunities for racing for our members, as well as logistical support where possible. We will also host some events to provide an encouraging and supportive environment for female-focussed competition. 4Five+ actively engages with AusCycling to provide our membership’s female perspective on cycling participation and racing.
Leadership development
Opportunities to develop leadership skills by taking on roles within the supportive environment of 4Five+
Development Grants: Current 4Five+AC members of good standing can apply for financial assistance up to $300 per annum to complete courses that develop skills, knowledge and qualifications in support of 4Five+ AC objectives. All the details here
Regular (~monthly) emails to Members with 4Five+ news and details of upcoming events. We use the TidyHQ app for managing emails, so check your Junk/Promotions/Updates folder as some email systems send missives there :-( We will only email you about 4Five+ news & events.
Calendar - we use the Teamup app to capture 4F happenings and AusCycling events. You can view the calendar HERE
Keep an eye on the website Events page and the socials too!
Personal Membership via AusCycling - club fee $25 from 1 January 2025
Membership features:
4Five+ Membership benefits
AusCycling Membership benefits, including insurance coverage for cycling
Monthly & annual payment options, concessions available
Rolling annual membership - 12 months from date of joining
Required to participate in 4Five+ Cycling events
Joining via AusCycling has two steps:
Join AusCycling - many options ranging from $0 Non-Riding to $360 Race All Discipline. 4 Week Free Trial Membership does not provide club membership.
Nominate 4Five+ Athlete Collective as your club when joining - Club Fee $25
— Existing AusCycling members can nominate 4Five+ as an add-on club. You can also switch clubs when renewing your AusCycling membership - it can be tricky, so we recommend contacting AusCycling for assistance
Corporate Membership via webshop - $200
The Corporate Membership is available to businesses who want to support the goals of the 4FIVE+ Athlete Collective, and in turn be supported by the Membership. CORPORATE Members will have their website and contact details on the Supporters page of the 4F website, and their nominated contact (or proxy) will have similar benefits to a Personal Member: access to 4F learning events, discount entry to 4F events, access to 4F socials and member-only resources on the website. It does not include voting rights, access to training/squad opportunities, nor logistical support at race events.
An invoice for Corporate Membership can be issued on request, and a discount is negotiable for not-for-profit organisations - please contact admin@fiveplus.org to discuss.
Significant sponsors are entitled to Corporate Membership as part of their sponsorship.
Members Only page
The Members Only page contains items such as
Member Only discounts and events
Resources that have copyright & sharing restrictions
Event photo galleries
The page is password protected. Members will be supplied with the password on joining.